
  • [Feb 11, 2025]

    Congratulations to Jiuniu for defending his thesis!

  • [Apr 9, 2024]

    Congratulations to Qiangqiang for defending his thesis!

  • [Jun 16, 2023]

    Congratulations to Hui for defending her thesis!

  • [Jan 19, 2023]

    Congratulations to Xueying for defending her thesis!

  • [Dec 9, 2022]

    Congratulations to Ziquan for defending his thesis!

  • [Nov 30, 2022]

    Call for Papers: Special Issue on “Applications of artificial intelligence, computer vision, physics and econometrics modelling methods in pedestrian traffic modelling and crowd safety” in Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. Deadline April 30th, 2023.

  • [Mar 30, 2022]

    Our project “Automatic Wide-area Crowd Surveillance Using Multiple Cameras” received the Silver Medal at Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days (IGED) 2022!

  • [Aug 16, 2021]

    Congratulations Qingzhong for defending his thesis!

  • [Aug 12, 2021]

    Congratulations to Jia for defending his thesis!

  • [Jul 1, 2021]

    Dr. Chan was promoted to Professor!

  • [Apr 29, 2021]

    Congratulations to Yufei for defending his thesis!

  • [Jan 27, 2021]

    Congratulations to Qi for defending his thesis!

  • [Sep 11, 2020]

    Congratulations to Sergio for defending his thesis!

  • [Nov 28, 2019]

    Congratulations to Weihong for defending his thesis!

  • [Nov 28, 2019]

    Congratulations to Tianyu for defending his thesis!

  • [Aug 23, 2019]

    Xueying Zhan receives the “Outstanding Academic Performance Award”, and Xueying Zhan and Jia Wan receive the “Research Tuition Scholarship” from the School of Graduate Studies. Congratulations!

  • [May 6, 2019]

    Congratulations to Di for defending his thesis!

  • [Nov 1, 2018]

    Congratulations to Lei for defending her thesis!

  • [Jun 28, 2016]

    Congratulations to Sijin for defending his thesis!

  • [Jun 25, 2016]

    Congratulations to Adeel for winning a “Best Research Paper Award 2013/14” from the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan for his TPAMI 2013 paper!

  • [Apr 26, 2016]

    Congratulations to Huy for defending his Thesis!

  • [Mar 18, 2016]

    Congratulations to Zheng for defending his thesis!

  • [Oct 8, 2015]

    Congratulations to Weichen for defending his thesis!

  • [Aug 25, 2015]

    Sijin LI receives the “Outstanding Academic Performance Award for Research Degree Students” and the “Research Tuition Scholarship” from the School of Graduate Studies. Congratulations!

  • [Jul 1, 2015]

    Dr. Chan was promoted to Associate Professor!

  • [Dec 30, 2014]
  • [Dec 11, 2014]

    Congratulations to Ying for defending his thesis!

  • [Dec 10, 2014]

    Congratulations to Adeel for defending his thesis!

  • [Aug 31, 2014]

    It’s a new website!

  • [Aug 30, 2014]

    Ying Cao gets First Runner-up for his research paper titled “Look Over Here: Attention-Directing Composition of Manga Elements” in the Graduate Student Research Paper Competition 2013-2014 organized by the IEEE (HK) Computational Intelligence Chapter.

  • [Aug 25, 2014]

    Adeel Mumtaz receives the “Outstanding Academic Performance Award for Research Degree Students, 2013/14” from the School of Graduate Studies. Congratulations!

  • [Apr 15, 2014]

    Chenying Ni given an Outstanding Academic Papers by Students (OAPS) award for her project on “Music annotation with augmented MFCC”. Congratulations!

  • [Apr 1, 2014]

    Adeel Mumtaz receives the “Research Tuition Scholarship” (School of Graduate Studies). Congratulations!

  • [Jan 29, 2014]

    The Generalized Gaussian Process Model Toolbox is released.

  • [Sep 13, 2013]

    Ying Cao receives the “Research Tuition Scholarship” (School of Graduate Studies). Congratulations!

  • [Aug 28, 2013]

    Adeel Mumtaz and Ying Cao receive the “Outstanding Academic Performance Award for Research Degree Students” from the School of Graduate Studies. Congratulations!

  • [Apr 6, 2013]

    The UCSD people counting dataset is released.  It includes videos, segmentations, extracted features, and ground-truth counts for 2 scenes.  (project page)

  • [Mar 15, 2013]

    Adeel Mumtaz receives the “College of Science and Engineering Student Research Excellence Award” and the “Research Tuition Scholarship” (School of Graduate Studies). Congratulations!

  • [Jun 30, 2012]

    Dr. Antoni Chan received an Early Career Award for his 2012 GRF/ECS proposal.

  • [Oct 2, 2010]

    Congratulations to Tom LI for graduating!