Qingzhong WANG

Qingzhong Wang—王庆忠

Ph.D Student

Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong

Office: Room 5006, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Center, City University of Hong Kong

Email: qingzwang2-c@my.cityu.edu.hk

Github: https://github.com/qingzwang


Short Bio

I am a Ph.D student at VISAL, supervised by Dr. Antoni Chan. I obtained my B.Eng. and M.Eng from Harbin Engineering University in 2013 and 2016, respectively.

Research Interests

Computer vision and natural language generation.


  1. Jia Wan, Qingzhong Wang and Antoni B. Chan. Kernel-based Density Map Generation for Dense Object Counting. IEEE Trans. on  Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), to appear, 2020.
  2. Qingzhong Wang, Jia Wan and Antoni B. Chan. On diversity in image captioning: metrics and methods. IEEE Trans. on  Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), to appear, 2020.
  3. Qingzhong Wang, Jiuniu Wang, Antoni B. Chan, et. al.. Neighbors matter: image captioning with similar images. BMVC, to appear, 2020.
  4. Jiuniu Wang, Wenji Xu, Qingzhong Wang and Antoni B. Chan. Compare and reweight: Distinctive image captioning using similar image sets. ECCV, 2020. (oral)
  5. Di Hu*, Lichao Mou*, Qingzhong Wang*, et. al.. Does ambient sound help? Audiovisal crowd counting. CVPR Workshop on Signt and Sound, 2020. (* indicates equal contribution. The extended version was submitted to TMM for publication.)
  6. Siyu Huang, Haoyi Xiong, Zhiqi Chen, Qingzhong Wang, et. al.. Generating person images with appearance-aware pose stylization. IJCAI, 2020.
  7. Qingzhong Wang and Antoni B. Chan. Describing like humans: on diversity in image captioning. CVPR, 2019,
  8. Qingzhong Wang and Antoni B. Chan. Gated hierarchical attention for image captioning. ACCV, 2018
  9. Qingzhong Wang and Antoni B. Chan. CNN+CNN: Convolutional decoders for image captioning. CVPR Workshop on Vision and Language. 2018.


  • Conference Reviewing
    • ICCV 2019
    • AAAI 2020-21
    • CVPR 2020
    • ECCV 2020
    • BMVC 2020
    • NeurIPS 2020
    • ACCV 2020
    • WACV 2021
    • ICLR 2021


  • Graduate National Scholarship—2015