
Information for Prospective Graduate Students

Information about postgraduate studies (PhD and MPhil) is available from the Department of Computer Science, and applications are made through the School of Graduate Studies (SGS). Although I do not have control over the admissions process, as SGS has their own admission requirements, I can make recommendations on students to accept. If you want me to be your supervisor, please contact me by email and include the following items (all documents should be in English):

  • CV and academic transcript. Preference is given to applicants with strong academic backgrounds in math, linear algebra, probability and statistics, computer vision, machine learning, signal processing, image processing, and pattern recognition. Make sure to highlight any courses you have taken that are related to these areas.
  • Statement of purpose and PhD research proposal. Try to be as specific as possible about the projects that you find interesting, and what you hope to accomplish during your PhD. If you can, outline a research plan for your proposed project. Preference is given to applicants that can demonstrate the ability to do independent research. Mention any important research efforts and related papers, or relevant course projects.
  • Project reports or research papers relevant to your proposed project, or computer vision and machine learning, in general.

I usually do not have time to answer each message individually, so don’t feel discouraged if you don’t get a reply. Furthermore, I can only make recommendations for admissions after receiving all the applications.

Information for Postdocs and Research Assistants

Postdoc and research assistant positions depend on the availability of funding. These positions are for specific projects, and hiring depends on the CV of the applicant and the match between research interests and the available projects. If you are interested, please email me with your CV and specify which projects you are interested in. Also include any research papers or project reports that are relevant.

Currently there are two positions open:

Undergraduate Internships

For CityU undergraduates: if you are interested in doing research in my lab, you can join the Research Mentorship Scheme (RMS) of the CS department and select me as a supervisor.

For undergraduates from other institutions: I do not have any paid internship positions.  Please do not email me about this.